Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Rosario to Buenos Aires, 170 miles

It was another easy drive in Argentina today, but nothing too scenic. The speed limit is posted by lane, fast lane is 130km (about 80mph), slow lane is 80km (about 45mph) and there are lots of lanes in between, just like home. As we approached BA, it was 5 lanes wide. We haven’t been on a road like that since we left southern California.

There is a giant thoroughfare that runs right through the center of BA, this made it easy to navigate on the fly as we slowly worked our way through traffic. There is also no shortage of hotels. We quickly went through the 3 we highlighted from the good book: the first was asking 3x what the book listed it as 2 years ago, not a good sign. The next two were full—another bad sign. We did the hotel shuffle for about 2 hours before getting recommended hotel A&B by a police officer. It was a bit more than we wanted to spend but very clean, central, with a newer AC unit (a must with the heat and mosquitoes) and on site bike parking.

Late afternoon and we were off to check things out. We ducked into a working class pizza joint selling by the slice with standing room only. A slice of cheese was 0.50 and delicious. You can also get empendas in multiple flavors, also 0.50. I was in heaven. We stayed pretty close to our neighborhood in the “microcenter” or down town, hitting Lavalle and Florida pedestrian shopping streets. Amie enjoyed (mostly) window shopping, but did find a few items she didn’t want to do without.

We had bife de chorizo (no not sausage but a THICK sirloin steak) at another working class type place that was again packed with families at 10:30pm. The steaks were great, and cheap. This place is really starting to grow on me… or is it me that is growing?

All packed up and ready for the next destination



A good look

Even though we are surrounded by new cars...the horse and buggy are still prevalent

Sweet ride

Welcome to Buenos Aires!


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